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Thursday, April 1, 2010

The New League ovetime rules: McNabb Style

As many of you many have heard, the NFL is starting to reconsider their stance on their awful overtime rules. To establish these rules, they have brought in the foremost expert on how to handle situations like this, Donovan McNabb. For those who have the memory of a goldfish with a brain hemorrhage, McNabb is famous for his lack of knowledge on the rules of overtime, specifically the the rule on ties. Where the rule is that a game will end in a tie if the time in overtime runs out, McNabb thought that htgame would continue on until someone won, saying "I didn't even know you could tie." To fix these holes in the rulebook they have offered McNabb the floor on his wisdom for how to fix them.

First and foremost, there will no longer be any ties. If the overtime exceeds the time of the clock, then the victor will be decided by a dance competion between the head coaches of each team. Of course, McNabb will be the one to judge these dance-offs since he is the leauge's foremost expert on busting a move.

Secondly, to appease the critics, a team cannot simply kick a field goal in order to win the game. Instead they must either score a touchdown or make a dropkick. Of course this rule has caused many to speculate that Doug Flutie will come out of retirement and be one of the most valuable players in the leauge, since he is the only player in NFL history to ever make a dropkick.

Finally, instead of coinflips the receiver of the ball will be determined by setting lose a pigeon onto the field. The side which the pigeon chooses to join will be granted the first possession in overtime. This rule of course was influenced by Al Davis, since he knows the power that pigeons have.

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