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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Nets Break Attendance Record

Look at that! Just look! I cannot recall a crowd that empty at a professional sports event that early in the game. The Nets and Bucks are only 3 minutes into the game and it looks like 12 people are in attendance. As I'm watching this game on TV (sadly) it is the 4th quarter and that picture does not lie. There is no one at this game. There isn't even even any Jersey trash in the stands.

The announcers are currently showing the face of rookie star Brook Lopez and it looks like his son just told him that he's going to get a sex change. The disappointment in his expression is not uncommon, according to the announcers this is the "48th time they have seen that on his face."

Read more after the break

I was originally rooting for Lebron to go to the Knicks next season but after seeing the Nets embarrassment first hand I can safely say I hope he goes there. For their sake and for the NBA's sake, the Nets need something huge to spark attendance.

Soon they will be moving to a new stadium in Brooklyn, and I do not know if that will even draw any fans at this rate. Adding Lebron will draw huge numbers in new and returning fans who had previously given up on their team. If the Nets don't get Lebron or Wade, it will be embarrassing for the NBA when the Nets open a new stadium to the crowd numbers that the Marlins draw everyday.

You can blame it on the snow, although it wasn't that bad. Maybe they need more dedicated fans, such as Rex Ryan's Fat:


  1. dumbass there is a snow storm .. keep up with the news ....

  2. over a foot of snow you tool. work was closed for most people yesterday. Buy a clue.

  3. Guess what? you mad!

    Nets fans can't take jokes

  4. The Nets have fans? When did this happen?

  5. That being said if Lebron does go to the Nets I will have to support them.
