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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Off Topic Tuesday: 08/27/09

Hello reader, welcome to the first addition of Off-Topic Tuesday here at 18-1. This is the weekly column where I, Ted Shaw, will be your guide to a specific thing that is bugging me and I want to rant about. There are no specific rules or guidelines to what that could be, only that it will not be sports related.

Because it's only the first week for this, I thought I would post a piece I submitted to my school paper (The Mirror), but was rejected, probably for being way too awesome. Keep in mind this was written in september, and the topic is relevant to the time. That being said it's funny, and you should read it, because I wrote it goddamnit!

Swayze’s Death a Tragedy for Men Everywhere

Dear reader, do you have a Y-chromosome? Have you seen the movie Road House? If you answered only answered yes to the first of these questions then finish reading this article and go rent, buy or steal (although I don’t condone such a thing) a copy of this film and watch it.
Although the late Patrick Swayze was primarily known for his role in more feminine films, such as Ghost and Dirty Dancing, this is only because he played a role so manly that he had to spend the rest of his career attempting to balance out the level of testosterone he applied to this movie. Swayze plays Dalton, a character so badass he doesn’t need a last name, who is brought in to bring order to a small Missouri bar as the head bouncer, or as he calls himself, “The Cooler.” If you are not already convinced by this masterful synopsis, then I would like to inform you that this film features a scene that has Swayze catching a kick, breaking the attacker’s leg, and then dragging him out the door with the same shattered appendage. If that does not appeal to you than I would ask you to question your manhood.

Now some of you may be saying, ‘But this is merely a role he played as an actor, the real Patrick Swayze was nowhere near this badass.’ However, I would like to notify these doubters that it was not an act when the late Mr. Swayze piloted an emergency landing in his twin-engine Cessna Airplane, he did not land on a runway, but rather in the middle of the suburbs. The late icon was also the son of a Champion Rodeo cowboy, and was married to the same woman for over 30 years; if you do not find either of these aspects impressive (especially the later) then you need to get your priorities straight.

When Patrick Swayze passed, we did not only lose a great actor, but also a male icon. Although his appeal to the fairer sex will undoubtedly be the stronger part of his legacy, it is important that men everywhere remember that he was anything but a ‘girly man.’ As we move on with our lives let us take in some of the lessons that were given to us from this master of masculinity, and hope that we may one day live up to his level of greatness; just as the late Mr. Swayze said, “Pain don’t hurt.”

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