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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Off Topic Tuesday: Inspiration Domination

For this week's offering of glory that is my opinion, I won't actually be ranting about anything (shocking I know). Instead of trying to direct you toward a specific topic I decided I'm going to be talking about something that is very close to home for all of us, ourselves. Now I know what you're thinking (MAN YOU CORNY!), but we all have struggled just to get through the day or gone through hard times and for those who are dealing with this while reading this particularly, this is an article which I hope will inspire you.

Sometimes it is better to be fail as it keeps us open for new opportunities that can be better than what we had before, which we would not have had if we were not still searching for happiness. Yes, there will be pain and disappointment that comes with this failure, but the inevitable victory ahead more than makes up for it.

Think about where you have been in life. I guarantee you there was a time in your life where you were worse off than you were right now. I know for a fact that you stand on a higher ground then you once stood, because you have been through more than you once have. Every experience that we go through helps us to grow, whether the experience be good or bad, it offers lesson for which to help guide us in the future.

Don't be a Marmalard, be happy

The track record is one of progress, and even though the finish line has yet to be reached, you are closer than you ever have been before. So if at first you don't achieve your goals, keep at it, because when you do reach your aspirations the feeling you will receive is sweeter than any prize that giving up ever could provide.

We have all faced enough hardships to understand how to deal with them, and you have always overcome them. This new challenge is no different, you're still the same strong soul, unwilling to give in. You're not going to let something so trivial as speed bump stop you from passing through victory lane. I know this because you didn't before, and you still hold the same potential as before, because it is the one thing in life that never fades.

Romo didn't listen you my advice, and look where that got him...nowhere!

Life is about opportunities and grasping them. Just because a cliff stands in your path doesn't make it uncrossable because every obstacle can be climbed and overcome if you have the will and desire to make it so.

We are taught to look up to heroic figures in our lives. Well it's time to stop the spectating and be the one who people admire and aspire to be. Now is the time, the moment of victory is always upon us, it's simply a matter of taking charge of your life and making things happen.

Your time is now, there is nothing holding you back but yourself. Overcome your fears and insecurities, and achieve your potential. Those who seek to stop you are simply afraid of the power you hold. They are scared because they do not have the strength within that you do, they envy your skills because of their own inability to obtain their potential. If only they would spend more time trying to find themselves instead of judging others, then maybe they too could hold the same drive and happiness that you do.

Take heed of these words, and translate them using your own means, make them your own. Once you are able to truly read my message, not with your eyes or mind, but with your soul, then you will be ready. It is now the time to go out into the world, and obtain the potential you hold within, prove to yourself that you are more than your current standing. Do not doubt that you will succeed, know in your heart that as long as you do not give up victory will be yours, no matter what position you may finish in. The true winner will not be the who finishes first, but rather those who achieve their goals.

Ok now that i've inspired you, here's a picture of a Shaqtus:

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